Who We Are

Thank you for your interest in drugsandcoffee.com.

What to expect: From us you can expect clarity on individual health and pharmacy related topics. Our intention is fluid and simple speech and writing. We are stepping away from overly technical language in an effort to be more inclusive and reader friendly.

Our hope is to draw in the curious mind. We invite you on a journey to grow and further develop our understanding of pharmacy and its role in our ever-changing healthcare system. Welcome!

Joann Tweh PharmD


Joann is a curious pharmacist and would rather be teaching than dispensing drugs in a retail setting. She finds any chance to turn her retail experience into a teaching moment. During the course of her pharmacy journey she has enjoyed the rare opportunity to educate elderly nursing home patients the importance of certain vaccines. My short 30 minute informative sessions often led to clinical stories which resulted in further questions and continued growth and learning on both ends of the discussions. My approach to retail has resulted in more questions than answers spurring more discussion and collaboration with physicians. Through shared expertise we grow and learn.

Marko Stankovic PharmD BCNSP


Marko is a home infusion pharmacist with a passion for internet media and marketing. Early on Marko recognized the clinical longings and curiosity of pharmacists in different career paths. He made the leap early on from retail pharmacist to practicing in a clinical setting. While we are all pharmacists and should be thinking clinically it is well worth noting, that somewhere along the way we forget this important fact. We streamline and often define ourselves according to our various practice sites. It is important to remember that we can cross these paths.